Our paralegals and attorneys all continue to answer the phone as we always have, ready to help. You will not get voice mail or an answering service during business hours. You will speak with one of us. Honoring the Governor’s order and in protection of the public and our staff, we are not, however, working out of our regular office at 7880 Golfcrest Drive.
Our team has tech-based solutions, linked together while “sheltering in place,” answering our phones and working on your matters. We are all available by phone, email, and video-conferencing during all business hours. We will have daily pick up for anything left in the door’s mail slot at Golfcrest Drive. Client meetings will be either a telephone conference or video conference. Special arrangements can be made for clients who have a critical need to meet with us in person. If you have such an emergency need, please call us to discuss our special protocols for in-person meetings. Above all, we are able and prepared to safely provide services to our more vulnerable clientele and their families and caregivers.
San Diego Elder Law Center is a full-service Estate Planning, Trust and Probate firm with a special expertise in Medi-Cal and other public benefits planning, as well as planning for our special needs communities. During these difficult times, we continue to provide all services we are known for. In particular, we continue to:
- Do applications and planning for Long Term Care Medi-Cal benefits. The County is processing these applications, and we are working on them every day.
- Provide advice and advocacy for those being discharged from hospitals or skilled nursing facilities who are appropriate to stay
- Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorney
- Estate and Trust Administration
- Conservatorships